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Child sex abuse defined


In order to understand and study the problem effectively, so that we can figure out how to eradicate it, we have to have universal consensus on exactly what constitutes child sexual abuse.

At present, each state in the U.S. has its own definitions of child abuse based on minimum standards set by Federal law. Other countries all have their own definitions. The Public Health Agency of Canada has defined it clearly:

“(It) occurs when a child is used for sexual purposes by an adult or adolescent. It involves exposing a child to any sexual activity or behavior. Sexual abuse most often involves fondling and may include inviting a child to touch or be touched sexually. Other forms of sexual abuse include sexual intercourse, juvenile prostitution and sexual exploitation through child pornography. Sexual abuse is inherently emotionally abusive and is often accompanied by other forms of mistreatment. It is a betrayal of trust and is an abuse of power over the child.”5

In order to qualify as sexual abuse, an activity must have three elements:

• The violation of a trust relationship with unequal power and/or advanced knowledge (and)

• The need for secrecy (and)

• Sexual activity.6

By applying these three criteria, it can be determined whether or not questionable activity should qualify as abuse. For instance, if children (with equal power) engage in light sexual exploration before the age of puberty, it’s generally safe to assume that the behavior is part of normal development and doesn’t require legal intervention.

Predators Live Among us

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