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1. Why All the Fuss?

Not too many years ago, there was something called “childhood”—a carefree time of life when Little League, hopscotch and pushing doll carriages down the sidewalk filled the rambling thoughts of children. As sun rays lengthened over the carefree days, parents would call sweaty youngsters in from play for baths and bedtime stories. “Johnnnnny...Susie....” The voices would trill through soft summer evenings, over backyard fences, down safe streets to the ears of children intent upon the games of the moment.

As the young ones grew, the games of the moment normally changed to include degrees of sexual experimentation. Kids found out ‘how things happened’ when they were ready—in their own time, ideally through healthy family discussions. The innocence of childhood gave way to adolescent discovery of the reproductive process and eventually—hopefully—to a satisfactory sex life in adulthood.

While that might now be scorned as the ‘Beaver Cleaver’ experience (suggesting unreality), the fact is that it was the general experience of the majority of North Americans upward into the 1960s. But now we live in a different world.

Predators Live Among us

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