Читать книгу The Feelings Book (revised) - Dr. Lynda Madison - Страница 16


Brain Power

Your brain takes your feelings and makes them physical.

Your brain is in charge of everything you do, from your

breathing to how you feel at any point in time. Things like

movies or bad dreams aren’t exciting or scary unless your

brain decides they are. It gets input from everything you see,

hear, feel, taste, and smell, and it responds quickly to tell your

body how to react.

In fact, just about every emotion you have is connected

to some reaction in your body. You may blush when you’re

embarrassed, cry when you’re sad, and jump when you’re


When I get blamed for things my little sister does, it

makes me so mad that I burst into tears! After a while

I cool off. Then I sit down with my parents and talk

about what happened, and usually someone apologizes.

Marta, Oregon

The Feelings Book (revised)

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