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Chapter Two: Our Food Supply


When our forefathers first came to North America, they cut down small patches of trees and used the cleared land to grow their fruits, vegetables, and crops. The soil in which they grew these plants was full of natural bacteria, flora, and enzymes. For thousands of years Mother Nature had been putting nutrients back into the soil in the form of decayed vegetable and animal matter.

This decayed matter (natural fertilizer) replenished the soil with nutrients that continued to grow nutritional food that the people of that day depended upon to feed their families. This cycle of life and decay had been in existence for thousands of years, producing very rich soil that was alive with nutrients.

The farmer of that day understood that if you took from the soil you had to give back. Giving back meant using organic matter in the form of crop residue and other plant and animal waste material to place nutrients back into the soil.

It also meant leaving each parcel of soil alone every few growing seasons, to let minerals and bioorganic substances replenish themselves, and thereby re-establish the nutrients and trace elements necessary for healthy plant growth.

Our ancestors understood that healthy soil produces healthy crops, fruits, and vegetables, and that these in turn would provide them with the nourishment that they would need for their own health.

The early part of the 20th century saw the introduction of modern agriculture and commercial farming. With this development, the emphasis in the production of food changed from the quality of the food being produced to the quantity. Getting the most out of that acre of land became priority one.

Letting the soil replenish itself with minerals and nutrients from natural sources became secondary, because we now had other means to achieve this. Chemical fertilizers were introduced. If the production of your crop went down one year you simply dumped chemical fertilizer on it for the next growing season, and your production problems were solved.

Chemical fertilizers can substantially increase the yield of our product but they do so at a very high cost. Little did we know of the damage we were doing to our soil, and to ourselves.

Prevent and Defeat Cancer Naturally

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