Читать книгу Prevent and Defeat Cancer Naturally - E. R. (Ron) Harder NHC - Страница 5

Toxic Sprays


There are other serious concerns that we should be aware of. It is not only the chemical fertilizers and hazardous industrial waste products that are being dumped onto our soils, we also spray our crops with tons and tons of pesticides. These are toxic chemicals that kill bugs and insects before they eat our crops.

Where does all this toxic material go? It runs off into our streams, rivers, and lakes, and takes a very serious toll on wildlife. We now have hundreds of miles of streams and rivers that no longer support fish stocks. We have lakes that still support fish stocks, but some of these fish have been declared unfit for human consumption. And what are all these pesticides doing to the wildlife that lives beside the streams and rivers, and drinks this polluted water?

We have not talked about a wide range of topics such as the chemical content of our cleaning products, which we use and then pour down the drain. What about the chemicals that are used in hair spray and body deodorants? What about the chemical fertilizers we spray on our lawns that find their way into our water supplies?

I find it absolutely appalling to realize how far away we have gone from the way nature intended things to be. Yes, the chemical companies are to blame. Yes, the big food companies are to blame. And yes, our governments are to blame for bowing to the demands of these corporations, but we, the consumers, are also to blame for letting these people get away with all of this.

What we now have in our supermarkets is produce that has been altered to such a degree that it no longer provides us with the nutrition that we require. The vegetables have been grown using chemical and toxic fertilizers, and to make them more appealing, they are sprayed with wax.

The chickens are given chemical compounds to make them grow. The beef you buy is injected with all sorts of hormones. Very little of the food we now buy at the supermarket has any degree of nutritional value to it. It has been chemically altered to the point where even the taste is gone, but it looks good.

Prevent and Defeat Cancer Naturally

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