Читать книгу Prevent and Defeat Cancer Naturally - E. R. (Ron) Harder NHC - Страница 6

Changed Electrical Structure


In the previous chapter we discussed the process of digestion from an electrical point of view. We saw why the food we eat has to be electrically compatible with the matrix of our body before our body will accept it as food. Let us look for a moment at what happens when we dump chemicals and toxins onto our food supply, and how this affects digestion.

Absolutely everything we do to our food changes its molecular structure, and thereby changes the way this food interfaces with our body. The fertilizers we use, the chemicals and toxins we put into our food, the pesticides we use to kill the insects, and the coloring we use, all change its electrical matrix.

Nature designed our food supply and the human body to be electrically compatible, but by using chemicals and toxins in the production of our food, we have seriously altered this compatibility.

When we dump chemicals and toxic industrial waste products onto the soil, we kill the soil, period. We cannot expect the bacteria, microbes, and tiny life forces in the soil to survive when we dump lead, cadmium, arsenic and dioxins on them. We have just destroyed the cycle of life that has kept the plants healthy, and the soil alive.

Chemicals and toxic industrial waste products were not designed to be compatible with the electrical matrix of the human body. When we try to digest these things our body will reject them, store them in our colon, or maybe in our cells, or try to eliminate them. In other words, we are now depriving our body of nutrition, and we are poisoning ourselves.

Unfortunately, there is not one vegetable that is commercially grown in North America today that carries the same nutrients and enzymes that nourished our great grandparents. The nutrients that were in the soil one hundred years ago are long gone, and everything that grows from the soil is a direct reflection of what is in the soil.

One hundred years ago the fruits and vegetables that we ate carried with them the micro-bacteria, the enzymes and the nutrients that our bodies needed to survive. From an electrical compatibility point of view, the food at that time had the proper electrical matrix to be compatible with the requirements of our bodies.

Prevent and Defeat Cancer Naturally

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