Читать книгу Prevent and Defeat Cancer Naturally - E. R. (Ron) Harder NHC - Страница 3

Our Healthy Soil


Let’s look at our soil for a minute. Healthy soil moves continually in a natural cycle aided by oxygen, water, minerals, and decomposing animal and plant matter. All of these elements create life in the soil, which will be ongoing if not disturbed. We consider soil to be healthy if it works well, and nutrients continue to be available to the plants that grow in it.

Good soil consists of minerals and bioorganic substances, and is a world of working microbes. For example, one gram of soil can contain over ten million microbial bacteria. Around the roots of a healthy growing plant a dense coating of soil may contain a population of 100 to 200 billion microbes, and most microbes in this environment will regenerate life in approximately 30 minutes.

Microbes live in colonies and are very mobile. In their life cycle they develop tremendous metabolic activity, and steadily improve the structure of the soil.

Some microbes excrete antibiotics. Others metabolize phosphorus and iron bonds, which are difficult to dilute efficiently without this microbial activity. This microbial activity is what gives the soil its earthy odor. Microbes also create two thirds of the soils carbons, attack cellulose, and mineralize nutrients.

There are other important life forces in the soil. These are mites, nematodes, centipedes, worms, and insects. All of these survive by eating plant and animal residue, eating each other, and producing excrements. When they die they leave waste products, which are very important in the formation of humus in the soil.

As you can see, good soil is very much alive. It is important to understand that if the soil is alive and healthy, the plants that grow in it will be healthy as well. They will be filled with nutrients, and will have a natural resistance to disease. These healthy plants will provide us with the nutrients and enzymes that we need so that we can be healthy as well.

This healthy soil concept is the basic philosophy behind organic biological farming, which is what our ancestors unknowingly practiced.

Prevent and Defeat Cancer Naturally

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