Читать книгу Prevent and Defeat Cancer Naturally - E. R. (Ron) Harder NHC - Страница 7

Genetically Modified Food


Let me share with you another assault on our food supply, which has been going on for a number of years. Our engineers have decided that spraying our crops with herbicides and pesticides is too much trouble, and too expensive, and so they have taken it upon themselves to genetically alter the composition of our food crops so that spraying is no longer necessary.

What we now have is Genetically Modified Food. Instead of using sprays to control the infestation of bugs, insects, and disease, the new genetically modified plants have resistance to insects and disease already built in.

Here is how all this works. Each plant has a certain molecular makeup that makes it that type of plant. When we spray our crops with herbicides we are adding certain chemical substances to our crops which the bugs and insects find offensive. What we have sprayed onto our crops are chemicals that not only kill bugs and insects, they are also harmful to us.

Up until now the farmer has had a choice as to whether or not he wants to use sprays on his crops, or if he wants to grow his crops without sprays. Genetically modified foods have been chemically altered to where the plant contains the molecular information for the plant, and the molecular information for the substances that our scientists have bred into the plant.

These substances include various chemicals that combat disease, but they also include portions of the makeup of different plants. Hence the name “Frankenfoods”. Allow me to explain.

Every plant is susceptible to a certain disease or to a certain insect. One type of bug will eat a stalk of wheat, but it may not touch soybeans for example. If you can determine what part of that soybean plant that particular bug finds offensive, and you were able to genetically alter the wheat plant to include this offensive substance, then in theory the bug would not attack the wheat plant either.

This is what our scientists have come up with. They are able to take portions of different plants that offer resistance to disease and insect attacks, and genetically breed these substances into plants that do not offer resistance to that particular disease or insect.

Therefore, what we now have may be a potato that is really part corn, part rose petal, or part birch tree. Our soybean may be made up of part canola, part wheat plant, and part alfalfa. What you think is a sunflower seed, may still look like a sunflower seed, but may in fact be something quite different.

The chemical composition of that kernel of wheat has been electrically altered so that this kernel of wheat, even though it may still look like a kernel of wheat, is no longer the kernel of wheat that used to be compatible with our electrical makeup. It has been genetically altered to be quite different from the food that Mother Nature designed for us.

The farmer no longer has a choice as to whether or not he wants to spray his crops, the decision has been made for him. The organic farmer, who wants to grow organic quality crops will not be able to if he uses seeds that have been genetically modified.

What makes all of this really scary is that no testing has been done to determine any effects this genetic engineering may have on human health. Nobody knows if this experiment will cause cancer, or brain damage, or deformed children, or heart disease, or anything else. The same as nobody knew of the deformities and disease that have been caused by the drugs that we were all told were safe to use during the past fifty years.

All of this genetic engineering has been going on for a lot of years. Our scientists, with the blessing and financial assistance of our government, have taken it upon themselves to test this genetically modified food on our population.

I find it difficult to imagine the arrogance of these people who have been using us as guinea pigs for their genetic experiments. This practice has been banned in parts of Europe, and I can only hope that our politicians will come to their senses and ban genetically modified food products in North America as well.

For anyone interested in the ongoing battle over GMO foods, Google "GMO myths and truths", and a lot of information will be made available.

Prevent and Defeat Cancer Naturally

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