Читать книгу Prevent and Defeat Cancer Naturally - E. R. (Ron) Harder NHC - Страница 4

Modern Agriculture


Then along comes man with his modern agriculture and starts to destroy what nature has kept in balance for thousands of years. Because the emphasis has now changed from quality to quantity, the producer no longer has the incentive to produce top quality food products.

Farmers get paid by the pound for what they produce, whether it is for grains, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, chickens, or beef. The major concern is now price per pound. You produce so many pounds, you get so many dollars. There is nothing in this equation about the quality of the food that is being produced.

Almost overnight the small farmer largely disappeared and was replaced by big agriculture organizations, which we now refer to as the food producing industry. This is when quantity over quality really became important and production got into high gear. The use of chemical fertilizers increased dramatically, because now all that mattered was getting the most production that you could out of the land.

Then the food producing industry came up with some new ideas. They were not happy with how slow the chickens grow and how little milk the cows produce and decided to help things along. We now have chemicals being fed to the chickens that make them grow bigger, and in less time. We now use chemicals that help the cow produce more milk. We now have chemicals being dumped onto our soil to help the wheat grow larger kernels, and to give us a better “yield”.

We also use chemicals to kill any bugs or insects that feed on our crops. We use chemicals in almost every line of food production to “help” Mother Nature along.

We have become even more arrogant and are now dumping industrial waste products onto our soil and calling it fertilizer. Many articles have been written on this subject, and it is just too much to include here. If you would like more information on this topic kindly google "Hazardous waste in fertilizers", and you will be surprised at the amount of information that is available.

Prevent and Defeat Cancer Naturally

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