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g The estanciero’s


Due to his economic position, the estanciero [owner of an estancia] gaucho differentiated from the gaucho that people know as such. He was a man as skillful in field tasks and dressed like other gauchos, although in a more luxurious way (A).

So, we have an Urquiza or a Rosas, who was called “the most gaucho among the gauchos”. In the countryside, he wore chiripá of poncho cloth, rich vests and a neckerchief that closed a wide collar shirt (B). It was common to see them in a wide brim hat o another one similar to a sailor hat (C). They wore a fine cribado, tailored boots and silver spurs. Some of them often had long hair, and they styled it in a braid called coleta (D). But those old estancieros were men who had opened the frontier, sharing the risks this entailed.

We cannot deny that Juan Manuel de Rosas was so knowledgeable about country life that we can hardly talk about him without having to quote his Instrucciones para la administración de estancias. Little or nothing of the fabulous stretches of land he handed over to civilization are owned by his descendants.

What I am saying is not intended to take conflicting positions, but rather to become accustomed to hearing opposite opinions, without causing resentment. I think it is necessary to respect other people’s opinions for a country to unify.

Conozcamos lo nuestro - The Gauchos's Heritage

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