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2.4. The Rotterdam Convention


The Rotterdam Convention arises from the manifest and generalized concerns in relation to the increasing number of both production and commercialization of polluting chemical substances in the environment in the mid-eighties, including a large number of pesticides. Mainly the dangers that began to entail imports and exports of these substances to developing countries without the ability to react to movements in international trade.

The first reactions obtained were the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) that established the London Guidelines for the exchange of information on chemicals in international trade in 1987 and the United Nations Organization for Agriculture and Food (FAO) through the creation in 1987 of the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides.

Both organizations, “global communities”, in turn created the prior informed consent (PIC) procedure20.

“Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade” was approved and was open for signature on September 10, 1998, for subsequent entry into force on February 24, 2004.

The objective of the agreement is literally: “(…) to promote the shared responsibility and joint efforts of the parties in the sphere of international trade of certain dangerous chemical products in order to protect human health and the environment against possible damage and contribute to its environmentally use, facilitating the exchange of information about its characteristics, establishing a national decision-making process on its import and export, and disseminating those decisions to the parties”.

To this day, it is well understood how ambitious this objective was at that time, especially if we take into account the amount of substances that are included in the group of dangerous chemicals21.

It seems as if, for humanity, the simple act of adhering to a convention removes the risks and consequences inherent to chemicals and to hormone-disrupting chemicals.

Once again, it is only about some of the endocrine disrupting substances, they are never considered as a whole.

The Regulatory Implosion. Emotions and Gender in the Era of plastic

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