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The author


When I was a child, my teacher, the one from General Basic Education told at that time; “She is a very lively girl, she does not pay attention, and she does not concentrate”.

Luckily we now call it, attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity.

I spent my days facing the wall.

It is fair to start the book like this, since the pages of a book are not made by the writer, they germinate, develop and mature along the way to personal growth.

Thanks, must go then, to all those people with whom I have been meeting on my way and who have participated in my development and growth as an author, positively and negatively, to all of them we owe the grain of sand that we contribute with this book to the science of global law to human security.

There is no way to stop unknowing.


Estela Gutiérrez is a legal scientist and has been awarded “the extraordinary award for her doctorate in Global Law to Human Security”, from which these pages emanate. Graduated from Law with 3 master’s degree in Administrative Law, Risk Prevention and Health and Communication for Political Leadership, among other studies, acquiring a holistic and multidisciplinary academic vision.

The author has been working twenty-one years for the Public Administration (Government policies), acquiring extensive knowledge in the development of government and and public policies in very diverse matters. Her stays in the European Parliament and in countries like China, New Zealand and Vietnam, among many others, have endowed it with a global vision in the international arena.

She currently works sharing her knowledge at the University Autonomous of Barcelona and the Australian International University RMIT based in Vietnam, which allows her to continue expanding her research on global regulation to human security, thus collaborating in innovation for different public policies for the future.

The Regulatory Implosion. Emotions and Gender in the Era of plastic

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