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6.1. The hormonal disruptors


The chemical substances on the market and consequently in the people daily life, are more than 100,000 and the chemical industry continue to introduce an average of 3 new substances per day33.

Among these substances, those cataloged as endocrine disruptors, are large;

– Chemical substances that are already annexed and therefore recognized as such in the previously mentioned REACH appendix34.

– Those that, being still unknown, are emerging and entering in the market in substitution of those prohibited, and which are discovered as the investigations progress.

– Those that are preventively included by ECHA and are pending to be regulated.

– And the most concerning, those that have been detected their combined effects, the so-called “cocktail effect”. This is one of the biggest health problems today.

The problem with the “cocktail effect” and the reason for concern is that the products for daily use always contain more than one chemical substance in their composition. The toxicity of these chemical substances is analyzed individually, and not yet been evaluated as a whole, so the impact they may have on the human body is unknown35.

Due to the huge amount of existing EDC, it is not possible in this book comprehensively list and define all of them. However to help understand, here are explained some of the substances most present in the environment and of which people and therefore Global Communities are more exposed in their daily routines, a priority issue to be addressed by the public system36.

– Phthalates.

– Bisphenols.

– The perfluoroalkyl.

– Biocides.

Dear reader, we must remember the name of these substances in order to recognize them on the labels of the products we buy whether for daily use, eat, drink, house, cleaning or personal hygiene and, avoid them.

The Regulatory Implosion. Emotions and Gender in the Era of plastic

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