Читать книгу The Regulatory Implosion. Emotions and Gender in the Era of plastic - Estela Gutiérrez Rodríguez - Страница 2


Estela Gutiérrez Rodríguez


First edition, 2021

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ISBN: 978-84-1390-191-6

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To the constancy, for helping me persist.

To failure, to disappointment, to make me stronger.

To compassion, wishing that never stop accompanying me.

To the wisdom, avoiding me from major blunders.

For your time, always thank you.



Emotions and gender in the era of plastics takes us at a time when chemicals are altering our hormones, they are present everywhere, but one of the greatest sources of exposure for people is the one commonly called “plastic”. By altering the hormones, they are altering our emotions, and from before birth interfering in our gender and therefore in human reproduction.

We have been exposed to these chemicals for almost 100 years, a century. The accumulation and persistence of endocrine disrupting chemicals, both in our body and in the environment, indicates that if regulation and public policies do not change, the human being will experience a metamorphosis in gender and emotions that will affect future societies.

We are walking towards the era of uncertainty, altering emotions and gender, we are going to discover why it is a public responsibility in human security on a global environment, as well as how to prevent and minimize our own exposure, thus improving our health.

“The paradox of regulatory implosion carries the clear message that if the State does not regulate objectively and diligently, others will do so for it, and although the consequences, as in the case of EDC, can be dire. The new form of future self-regulation advances us”.

Estela Gutiérrez

“We are guilty of many errors and many mistakes, but our worst crime is the abandonment of childhood, neglecting the source of life. Many of the things we need can wait. The child cannot. Now is the time when their bones are forming, their blood is making, and their senses are developing. We cannot answer them ‘tomorrow’. Their name is ‘today’”.

Gabriela Mistral, Nobel Prize in Literature.

Let’s do respect and be fair.

Thanks for sharing.

The Regulatory Implosion. Emotions and Gender in the Era of plastic

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