Читать книгу The Regulatory Implosion. Emotions and Gender in the Era of plastic - Estela Gutiérrez Rodríguez - Страница 5

0 The essence of the book


“To change the world, my friend Sancho,

that is not madness, not utopia, rather justice”.

(Attributed to Miguel de Cervantes).

Don Quixote (1605-1615)

It is said, that if Aristotle or Darwin woke up they wouldn’t know what to work on, what university to enroll in, or what to specialize in. We have limited transversality between study sciences, we have left aside the typical family doctor who knew and cured you of everything, “mine” was called Don Pedro.

“Don Pedro” looked at you and already solved.

In science, multidisciplinary cooperation is essential. And this is especially the case in the field of human security, in order to provide answers to a complete human being that is interconnected, in an ecosystem that is being seriously damaged.

The academic rigor and the holistic vision of the scientific writer should not be at odds with innovation, diversity and creativity, but quite the opposite.

Darwin conducted his study on the evolution of species based on observation, and over the course of 30 years, he called it an unfinished work. This is also an unfinished book, because works that are based on observation must always remain in an incomplete state, in a continuous quest.

Once wonder is awakened, you cannot stop learning, research becomes the path to a happiness that is cravings more and more amazing. This has been the case with the study of environmental hormones. Aware that time is a precious asset, I have tried to contribute to the knowledge with these pages, looking forward to sharing with the reader.

This book attempts to empower people, bringing to the surface information about what is happening with our elegant hormones, informing to mobilize and awaken latent public responsibilities.

As a result of research based on years of rigorous study, the title of the book Emotions and Gender in the Age of Plastic is based, as we shall see, on the regulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals, present anywhere today, and the greatest exposures is through the use of what is commonly called “plastic”.

By altering hormones, it has been proven the alteration of our emotions and from before birth, interfering with our gender and therefore with our sexuality, which is responsible for human reproduction.

We have been exposed to these chemicals for almost 100 years, the accumulation and persistence of endocrine disruptors both in our body and in the environment, indicates that if nothing changes, the human being will experience a human metamorphosis in gender and emotions that will affect to the future societies. We are walking into an era of uncertainty, by disturbing emotions and gender.

Emotions and Gender in the Age of Plastic is a regulatory implosion to global human security that alerts about what is happening with endocrine disrupting chemicals. The book presents the conclusions that the author has reached, observing the consequences of almost a century that we accumulate of exposure to these artificial hormones.

In the hope and wish that readers will enjoy it as much as the author, and once again, thank you for your time, this being one of our most precious assets.

The Regulatory Implosion. Emotions and Gender in the Era of plastic

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