Читать книгу SCIENCE, TRENDS AND PERSPECTIVES OF DEVELOPMENT - European Conference - Страница 32

DIFFERENT FERTILIZER SYSTEMS Hospodarenko Hrygorii Mykolaiovych


Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Uman National University of Horticulture

Liubych Vitalii Volodymyrovych,

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Uman National University of Horticulture

Silifonov Taras Volodymyrovych,

Post Graduate Student

Uman National University of Horticulture

Wheat is one of the three most important cereals worldwide in terms of production and consumption. According to FAOSTAT [1], the estimated annual production in 2014 was 728 million tons, which provided daily 178 g per capita to the average human being. Wheat is considered among the oldest crops and is grown in more than 120

countries around the globe [2] and is the main cereal in the human diet worldwide due to its agronomic adaptability, storability, nutritional value and diversity of products produced from it [3]. Wheat is unique among grains because its protein mixed with water and mechanical work yields a viscoelastic dough or batter capable of trapping gases produced by yeast or baking powders producing and array of leavened products such as breads, cakes and cookies.

Cereals grains are biological materials that differ in features due to many factors such as cultivar or genotype, soil fertility, growing conditions and agronomic practices

[4, 5]. The classification and grading play an important and critical role in the market because assures quality control guidelines. Furthermore, the standardization of grain quality allows a better marketing and grain processing to produce different products.

Selected grain types for specific uses relate to their physical properties because they affect chemical composition, functionality and optimum industrial end use. The standardization of grain quality allows process a grain’s lot with similar grade or quality [6, 7].

The article presents the yield formation of different soft winter wheat varieties and its components (stem density, tillering coefficient, grain weight and their number in one ear) under different fertilizer systems. The individual productivity of soft winter wheat varies significantly depending on the crop rotation fertilizer system and variety, the effectiveness of which is determined by the weather conditions of the growing 11


season. Stem density, tillering coefficients increase significantly from doses and combinations of mineral fertilizers. Experiment variants with incomplete return to the soil of harvested phosphorus and potassium do not significantly affect the structural components of the crop. Improving the conditions of nitrogen nutrition contributes to increasing the number of productive stems to 520–625 pieces/m2 in KWS Emil variety and up to 243–301 pieces/m2 in Rino variety. Grain weight in one ear of KWS Emil variety is 0.92–1.63 g, and in Rino variety – 1.56–2.45 g. The use of all fertilizer systems significantly increases it in KWS Emil variety, and in Rino variety –

phosphorus-potassium fertilizer system and options with complete mineral fertilizer.

Similarly, the formation of the grain number and its weight in one ear of both soft winter wheat varieties varies depending on fertilizer systems. Nitrogen-potassium and nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer systems, in terms of the effect on the formation of grain number in one ear, were at the level of complete mineral fertilizer during the cultivation of both soft winter wheat varieties. Grain yield is most affected by the nitrogen component of the fertilizer system. KWS Emil soft winter wheat has a high reaction to the improvement of nitrogen nutrition and forms a yield of 6.96–7.73 t/ha, depending on the experiment variant. In Rhino variety, the yield increases only to 4.23–5.60 t/ha.

Grain yield and efficiency of fertilizer systems varied significantly depending on the weather conditions of the study year. Thus, the grain yield in 2020 was lower than the cultivation of both varieties. The increase in grain yield of KWS Emil variety in 2020

was 1.22–3.13 t/ha, depending on the fertilizer system, and in 2021 – 1.45–3.33 t/ha.

During the cultivation of Rino variety, this figure was 0.41-1.78 and 0.51-1.88 t/ha, respectively. In the agricultural technology of soft winter wheat it is necessary to apply 75–150 kg/ha of nitrogen fertilizers on the background of P30K40.


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