Читать книгу SCIENCE, TRENDS AND PERSPECTIVES OF DEVELOPMENT - European Conference - Страница 33
ОглавлениеLopushniak Vasyl Ivanovych,
Prof., National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Hrytsuliak Halyna Myкhaylіvna,
phD, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas Baran Bogdana Bogdanіvna
Methodist. Ivano-Frankivsk College of Lviv National Agrarian University Field studies to study the efficiency of growing energy crops on oil-contaminated soils were carried out on the territory of Bytkiv-Babchynsky oil field of Pasichnyansky territorial community of Nadvirna district of Ivano-Frankivsk region. The following energy crops were used for experimental experiments: sylphia pronizanolista (Silphium perfoliatum L), miscanthus (Miscanthus Giganteus), switchgrass (Panicum virgatum ), energy willow (Salix L), Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus). It is established that the value of the yield of green mass and dry matter of energy crops varies to varying degrees depending on the crop grown on oil-contaminated soils. The content of macro- and microelements in plants, when grown on oil-contaminated soils, increases. Energy willow is a resistant energy crop to adverse conditions when grown on oil-contaminated soil. It can be successfully used for the biological stage of reclamation and phytoremediation. Sylphia pronizanolista also shows signs of resistance to adverse conditions on oil-contaminated soils.
The problem of oil pollution remains one of the most pressing environmental problems today, as the negative environmental impact of fossil hydrocarbons is manifested at all stages of their industrial use: from field development to the use of final refined products for their intended purpose. One of the most vulnerable components of oil-contaminated and refined ecosystems is soil systems, as they accumulate pollutants and can be a key link in the food chain. Self-cleaning of soils from oil pollution is a complex ecobiogeochemical process that does not provide complete restoration of ecosystems for a long time.
Today there are various methods of phytoremediation of oil-contaminated soils, which are characterized by relatively low cost of material resources and stability of the ecological effect, which is the cultivation of cultivated plants to enhance biological processes in soil, optimize physical, physicochemical, agrochemical and other properties. , improvement of ecological functions of soil cover [Banks M. K. 2003, Gerhardt K. E. 2009, Lopushniak V. I. 2021, Pysarenko, P. V. 2020).]. However, this approach is significantly complicated by the high hydrophobicity and toxicity of petroleum products, which contributes to the deterioration of water-air and heat regime, mineral nutrition regime, changes in the ratio of macro-and micronutrients in aqueous 14
solution and soil absorption complex. This causes extreme conditions for germination and development of cultivated plants. Proposed for cultivation in oil-contaminated areas cereals and legumes, sea buckthorn and other crops have a certain level of resistance to adverse conditions of mineral nutrition and germination, but their use is very limited due to the potential for contamination of plant material by petroleum products and their products [Shevchyk L. Z. 2016, Velychko O. I. 2011, Dzhura N. M.
2011, Merkl N. 2005, Pukish, A. (2017).].
On the other hand, the cultivation of crops in oil-contaminated areas that can be successfully used for bioenergy purposes has not been sufficiently studied. At the same time, phytoenergy crops are characterized by high ecological plasticity, resistance to adverse growing conditions. The value of phytoenergy crops increases with dynamic climate change [Kalenska S. 2019]. Recently, numerous studies have been conducted on the prospects of using energy crops for remediation of oil-contaminated areas
[Pysarenko, P. V., & Bezsonova, V. O. (2020). Pandey,20162, Pidlisnyuk,2018, Mohammed, 2015]. Phytoremediation of oil-contaminated soils by growing bioenergy crops accelerates the purification process and reduces the phytotoxicity of the soil environment, and the resulting biomass crop can be successfully used for energy purposes with minimal negative impact on the environment.
The aim of the research is to study the patterns of formation of the yield of bioenergy grasses on degraded oil-contaminated soils to assess their future prospects for remediation of oil-contaminated areas.
The research was carried out in c. Bytkiv of the Pasichnyansky territorial community of the Nadvirna district of the Ivano-Frankivsk region, on the territory of the Bytkiv-Babchynsky oil field. The following energy crops were used for field experiments: sylphia pronizanolista (Silphium perfoliatum L), miscanthus (Miscanthus Giganteus), switchgrass (Panicum virgatum ), energy willow (Salix L), Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus). Crops were planted according to the general scheme: energy willow - 0.3x0.7 m, miscanthus - 0.5x0.7 m, switchgrass - with a distance between rows of 0.5 m, sylphia perforated - 0.5x0.7 m, Jerusalem artichoke - 0, 5x0.7
Control plots were established on the unpolluted territory 300-320 m from the disturbed territory of the oil field. The soil of the control variant is characterized by a low humus content - 2.0%, salt pH is 4.8, and hydrolytic acidity - 3.1 mmol / 100 g of soil. The content of alkaline hydrolyzed compounds of mineral nitrogen - 47 mg / kg of soil, mobile compounds of phosphorus – 94 mg/kg of soil, metabolic potassium -
112 mg / kg of soil. [Lopushniak V& Hrytsulyak H. 2021].
Soil sampling was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the instruction of the Ministry of Environmental Protection "Environmental quality.
Sampling of soils and wastes during chemical and analytical control of spatial (general and local) pollution of environmental objects in areas of industrial, agricultural, economic household and transport sources of pollution ". The organic matter content was determined in accordance with DSTU 4289: 2004 "Soil quality. Methods for determining organic matter". Mobile phosphorus and potassium compounds were determined by the modified Chirikov method according to DSTU 4115-2002, and light 15
hydrolysis nitrogen - by the Cornfield method DSTU 7863: 2015 [Yakist gruntu 2005, 2008, 2006, 2016].
The area of the experimental plot in each experiment is 49 m2, the accounting plot - 25 m2, repeated three times, placement randomized.
Samples of green mass of plants were taken during the harvest of each crop, when the highest indicators of vegetative mass during the growing season are observed.
For willow energy, the amount of vegetative mass was determined after the fall of leaves in autumn.
The content of chemical elements in green plants was performed on the device EXPERT 3L. For analysis, the samples were properly prepared, heated in a muffle furnace at a temperature of 800 ° C until complete combustion of the green mass on the ash. The principle of EXPERT 3L is based on the method of spectral analysis of the fluorescence spectra of elements emitted during the adsorption of high-energy radiation, in other words - X-ray fluorescence analysis. Atoms of the object under study are excited by X-ray, gamma or ionizing radiation (in contrast to WDS or EDX
methods, where excitation occurs by an electron beam). In the interaction of atoms of matter with high-energy radiation, electrons close to the nucleus of the atom are knocked out of their orbitals. In this case, electrons from higher energy orbitals take their place, emitting photons - a characteristic fluorescent radiation. That is, there is an emission of radiation with less energy than absorbed. Fluorescence spectra are recorded using various detectors (PIN diode, Si (Li), Ge (Li), Silicon Drift Detector SDD).
According to the position of the maxima in the radiation spectrum, it is possible to perform a qualitative elementary analysis of such a fluorescence spectrum, and according to their magnitude, using reference samples, to make a quantitative analysis.
X-ray fluorescence analysis allows for qualitative and quantitative analysis in the substance of all elements starting from fluorine. The percentage of chemical elements in the leaves was mathematically translated into weight values [Lopushniak V& Hrytsulyak H. 2021].
As a result of experimental studies, it was found that the chemical composition of plants grown in oil-contaminated areas differed significantly from the elemental composition of plants grown in uncontaminated soil (control) (Table 1). The vegetative mass of energy willow grown on the control contained 0.4% iron, and on oil-contaminated soil - 0.1% less, the largest difference in the content of elements in the energy willow was observed for chlorine, the content of which was 2.1%, which is 0.5% more than in the area contaminated with petroleum products. The least in the composition of energy crops is copper from 41-6% to 115-6% in control and from 39-6% to 103-6% in oil-contaminated soil, molybdenum from 16-6 to 9-6% in control and from 15 -6 to 8-6% on the experimental soil. In the chemical composition of miscanthus, in contrast to the energy willow, the chlorine content is increased 2.2 times both in the control and in the variant of oil-contaminated soil and is 5.7 and 5.1%, respectively. Switchgrass and Jerusalem artichoke contain approximately the same percentage of trace elements with a difference of 0.1 - 0.4%. The vegetative mass of miscanthus and candlegrass grown on the control contains 0.187 and 0.234% of iron, and on oil-contaminated soil by 0.16 - 0.41% less, most of the composition of miscanthus and candlegrass contains chloride which is equal to 5.685 - 4.194%, which 16
is 0.5 - 0.2% more than in the area contaminated with petroleum products. The vegetative mass of sylphia perforated and Jerusalem artichoke in the control contains 0.2 - 0.3% of iron, respectively, and on oil-contaminated soil by 0.1% less, most of them in addition to chloride, which amounted to 2.6 - 4.6%, respectively, which is 0.4
- 0.2% more than in the area contaminated with petroleum products, there is still zinc and manganese, the percentage of which in the green mass is less than 1% in the control, which is 0.4% more than in the area contaminated with petroleum products
[Lopushniak V& Hrytsulyak H. 2021].
The content of magnesium, sulfur and calcium - mesoelements in energy crops also varies significantly. The magnesium content in willow energy and vegetative mass of Jerusalem artichoke decreases from 2.9 and 4.7% in the control to 2.3 and 4.5% in oil-contaminated soil, respectively. However, the greatest decrease in magnesium and sulfur content was observed in the experimental conditions in the vegetative mass of switchgrass.
Table 1.
The content of chemical elements in energy crops,%
Salix L