Читать книгу A Time Traveller's Guide to Our Next Ten Years - Frans Cronje - Страница 11

STEP 4 Analyse the policy environment


The fourth step is to gain a thorough understanding of the policy environment in the country or economy being studied. What are the major current policies? How successful are they? If they are not successful, why have they been adopted? If the government is under pressure, does it have room to move on policy, and in what direction?

In our case, the question is: Does the government have a vision or national plan, and can it work? Much has been written about the National Development Plan (NDP) that the cabinet recently adopted as South Africa’s developmental blueprint for the next 20 years. However, some analysts say the plan is an exercise in smoke and mirrors, and that the government has no real long-term vision for South Africa, or the political will to implement that vision.

A Time Traveller's Guide to Our Next Ten Years

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