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STEP 2 Determine the level of contentment with the status quo


The second step is to establish if citizens want to change the status quo in the country in question or whether they are satisfied with their circumstances in the society being studied. A thorough understanding of the current political, economic, and social environment should be developed. We need to establish who is participating in those environments, and what their expectations are. Are they rich or poor? Content or desperate? And, if so, to what extent?

Again, in our case, this will involve describing what is actually going on in South Africa today. We need to know how the economy is performing, and whether it can deliver the growth, jobs, and wealth to satisfy public expectations. Do we really have the worst education system in the world? What are the current levels of corruption in the public and private sectors? Are they worsening or improving? How angry are the young and unemployed really?

A Time Traveller's Guide to Our Next Ten Years

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