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Christmas Cake, Wensleydale and Honeycomb Skewers

Pairing a crumbly white cheese such as Wensleydale with deep rich fruit cake is a classic Christmas tradition in Yorkshire. This easy-to-make canapé is not to be missed! Lancashire cheese also works very well.

Makes 20–25 canapés

Hands-on time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: about 5 minutes.

25g (1oz) butter

200g (7oz) un-iced Christmas cake, cut into 20–25 bite-sized cubes

200g (7oz) raw cut honeycomb, cut into 20–25 bite-sized cubes

200g (7oz) Wensleydale cheese, cut into 20–25 bite-sized cubes

Pinch of sea salt flakes, to serve

Per canapé (if serving 25) 92 cals, 2g protein, 5g fat (3g saturates), 10g carbs (9g total sugars), 0g fibre

1. Melt the butter in a large frying pan over a medium heat. Once it starts to foam, add the cubes of Christmas cake and cook for about 5 minutes, turning regularly. Remove from the heat.

2. Thread a cube of honeycomb on to a small skewer, followed by a cube of Wensleydale and, finally, a cube of fried Christmas cake.

3. Transfer to a large platter, sprinkle with a little sea salt and serve.


If you can’t find raw cut honeycomb, this would work with a drizzle of floral-scented honey instead.

Christmas with Good Housekeeping

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