Читать книгу It’s Just a Date: A Guide to a Sane Dating Life - Greg Behrendt - Страница 15

BUT GREG, I HAVE QUESTIONS But What If I’m Not Worthy?


Dear Greg,

I was supposed to get married two Christmases ago to my boyfriend of three years but about six months before the wedding he changed his mind. He said he didn’t think he was in love with me. He’s not with anyone else but I can’t get past the idea that there’s something wrong with me. Why else would he break our engagement to be alone?


Bath, England

Dear Wedding Crashed,

It sucks to get dumped when you thought you had your whole life worked out but what he actually did was the excellent service of not marrying you when he recognized that he wasn’t in love with you. Despite what may have been in the past, things change and it sucks. However it also means that you were released to move on to your next great thing but you are holding up the bus by blaming yourself, sinking your self-esteem and being an all-round bummer. The only thing wrong with you is that you can’t see your value and that’s going to take some work, possibly even counseling, but it’s time to revisit the girl you were when you were at your best. Possibly right before you met the wedding smasher. Hang in there Hot Stuff, your story ain’t over yet.

It’s Just a Date: A Guide to a Sane Dating Life

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