Читать книгу It’s Just a Date: A Guide to a Sane Dating Life - Greg Behrendt - Страница 6



The reality of dating is that almost every date you go on is not going to work out or turn into a lasting and meaningful relationship. In fact every date and relationship won’t work out until you find the one that does. That’s how it works. That’s how life works and dating works. There are no shortcuts or loopholes and absolutely everyone is in the same boat as you. The only difference is how you approach these dates, the attitude you have when you get there. You can continue to dread them, be annoyed by the whole process, have expectations that are sure to disappoint you and project the futility you feel about the whole thing. OR you can let go of all of it, tell yourself that It’s Just A Date! not the rest of your life, that it probably won’t work out in the long run but might be fun nonetheless. With those expectations you’ll have a much better time than you thought you would. Because that actually is the point of dating: an opportunity to spend time one on one to see if there’s a spark. That’s it. Dating was never meant to be a tortuous obstacle course that you had to suffer through, nor the culmination of all our dreams that aren’t being fulfilled crashing down again when it doesn’t work out. And if that’s what dating is for you—then you’ve got to ask yourself why are you doing that to yourself? Then you have to tell yourself to knock it the f*#k off. You control how you date, not anyone else—including the person you’re on the date with. So let go of the old dating patterns that aren’t working for you and embrace the ideals of dating like a winner and being the best you that you can be.

It’s Just a Date: A Guide to a Sane Dating Life

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