Читать книгу It’s Called a Breakup Because It’s Broken: The Smart Girl’s Breakup Buddy - Greg Behrendt - Страница 9



Just because you know that your relationship is no good doesn’t make the process of ending it any easier. Even if you have reached the realization that he’s just not that into you, you’re just not that into him, or you’re mutually not that into each other, that doesn’t mean that you’ve been successful at pulling the trigger. We know that, and in fact have both been guilty of letting dead-end relationships linger on way past their shelf life because the task of ending them was just too difficult. It’s hard to have the courage to walk away from the comfort of a relationship, even a bad one, and be alone for what may be a while. What’s more, it’s easy to find reasons not to end it: I don’t want to have to look for another apartment, I don’t have the money to be on my own, I won’t have a date to my cousin’s wedding, I can’t stand the thought of him being with anyone else.

But here’s the thing to remember: Wasting time in a relationship that blows is just that—wasted time. Time that could be spent looking for and meeting the person who’s destined to be your perfect match. Ultimately, there’s no benefit to hanging on—you’re merely procrastinating and delaying the inevitable. Staying in a relationship that’s on life support isn’t going to bring it back to life. “But how will I get over it?” We’ll help you get over it—that’s what this book is all about. So do the both of you a favor and end it. Pick up the phone right now and tell him you need to talk. Pull the plug already and come with us on the road to the bigger, brighter future that awaits.

It’s Called a Breakup Because It’s Broken: The Smart Girl’s Breakup Buddy

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