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Vinyasa Eight


Exhaling, fold forward. Keep both buttocks evenly grounded and your shoulders at an even distance from the floor. In the beginning one often makes the mistake of focusing too much on the forward-bending aspect of the posture. It is much more important to ground the right buttock, which works directly on the hip and develops abdominal strength. Apart from jumping through and back, Triang Mukha Ekapada Pashimottanasana, Marichyasana A, and Navasana are the three main producers of abdominal strength in the series. This abdominal strength is much needed, later in the series, for Supta Kurmasana. Allocate at least 50 percent of your effort to the hip work in this posture — grounding the sit bone and stretching the quadriceps — and the rest to the forward bend. With its stretching of the quadriceps and creation of abdominal strength, this humble posture is one of the most underestimated in the framework of the Primary Series.

Ashtanga Yoga

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