Читать книгу Complications in Equine Surgery - Группа авторов - Страница 66

List of Complications Associated with Fluid Therapy


 Fluid overload using crystalloid solutions

 Complications associated with the type of crystalloid fluid infusedSodium imbalancePotassium imbalanceOther electrolyte imbalancesComplications due to administration of sodium bicarbonateComplications due to glucose/dextrose containing fluids

 Complications associated with intravascular plasma administrationImmunological reactionsNon‐immunogenic complicationsSerum hepatitis

 Complications associated with administration of colloid therapy

 Complications of enteral fluid therapyComplications due to administration setupComplications due to volume of fluid usedComplication due to type of fluid used

 Complications associated with administration of parenteral nutrition solutionsCatheter associated complicationsMetabolic aberrationsComplications due to withholding of enteral feeding

Complications in Equine Surgery

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