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Antigen Release through Irradiation and Cancer Vaccines


The immunogenic cell death induced by irradiation can synergise with anticancer vaccines. The combination has been evaluated for dendritic cell vaccines, whole-tumour cell vaccines, and viral vaccines, as well as peptide and nucleic acid vaccines [76].

For virus-induced cancers, irradiation might be combined with vaccines targeting the respective virus. One example is HPV-associated head and neck cancer, where preclinical data have shown pronounced combination effects [77]. RNA-based vaccination in combination with irradiation has been evaluated for a Lewis Lung Cancer model and showed promising results [78], so that the concept has been translated into a clinical phase Ib trial [79]. A poxvirus-based vaccine was evaluated in combination with curative radiotherapy for prostate cancer [80]. However, the long-term follow-up did not show a significant difference to standard treatment concerning prostate-specific antigen control and immune responses [81].

Advances in Radiation Therapy

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