Читать книгу Advances in Radiation Therapy - Группа авторов - Страница 39

Advantages and Disadvantages of PET-Based Hypoxia Imaging


Besides being a time-consuming procedure with hours between administration and imaging and a poor contrast between hypoxic and normoxic tissue, PET-based hypoxia imaging has the major disadvantage of a low resolution, resulting in problematic detection of small but potentially relevant volumes of hypoxic tissue [23]. A more general challenge of hypoxia imaging is its dynamic nature; it remains questionable whether a single PET can provide enough reliable information to make the treatment dependent on this biomarker [4143]. The advantage of imaging biomarkers for hypoxia is that they provide 3D information about the tumor tissue, in a noninvasive manner. This enables longitudinal monitoring and facilitates further research in this field.

Advances in Radiation Therapy

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