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Amphibians include three orders: the Anura (frogs and toads), Urodela (newts, salamanders, and axolotls), and Gymnophiona (includes legless caecilians). There is increasing concern for amphibians because many wild populations are dwindling, making them benefactors of numerous conservation efforts globally, and the continuing evolution of the human–animal bond for pet owners is creating demands for higher quality of veterinary practice for a greater variety of animals, including amphibians. Amphibian surgery follows the same general principles as surgery in other vertebrates: surgeons should minimize blood loss, perform gentle tissue handling, and aim for aseptic techniques whenever possible. Surgeons working with amphibians should be familiar with their unique and specific anatomy. Anatomic variability is an important consideration, and there are a number of references containing information pertaining to various amphibian species (Juan Hidalgo 1989; Helmer and Whiteside 2005; James‐Zorn et al. 2013).

Surgery of Exotic Animals

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