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Some ciliopathies in both humans and mice are associated with hyperphagia and obesity (e.g. Bardet–Biedl Syndrome, Alström Syndrome) [92]. Several mouse models recapitulate the human phenotypes and have proven useful in elucidating how sensory cilia influence appetite and the pathogenesis of obesity [93]. The sensory cilia on paraventricular nucleus neurons appear to control appetite by detecting signals from the arcuate nucleus. The tubby bipartite transcription factor (Tubtub) mutant mouse, which develops progressive obesity and blindness, has defective trafficking of ciliary GPCRs in hypothalamic neurons [94]. Heterozygous mice hypomorphic for Rpgrip1l are leptin‐resistant, hyperphagic, and obese. The distribution and responses of leptin receptors in sensory cilia of hypothalamic neurons are abnormal in Rpgrip1ltm1Urt mice [95]. Similarly, obese and hyperphagic Ankrd26Gt(XK525)Byg mice have defective primary cilia in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus [92]. Again, since there are many different underlying mechanisms that can contribute to the development of obesity, other cilia‐related phenotypes must be present to suspect a ciliopathy.

Pathology of Genetically Engineered and Other Mutant Mice

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