Читать книгу Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff - Группа авторов - Страница 143 Pyometra


Pyometra is an infection of the uterus that occurs when the uterus is under the influence of progesterone (Nelson and Feldman 1986). It is common in intact female dogs, but actual risk has been difficult to confirm in North America due to the high incidence of gonadectomy. Pyometra should be viewed as an important risk to the intact female dog.

Typical signs of pyometra include polydipsia and weight loss. Many bitches show depression, a slightly decreased appetite, increased panting (likely due to endotoxemia and their febrile state), and lethargy. Others may seem relatively normal except for polydipsia and excessive licking or grooming of the perineum and hindquarters. They may also have urinary “accidents” in the house; this is generally secondary to polydipsia and pressure on the bladder from the increased size of the uterus.

Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff

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