Читать книгу Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff - Группа авторов - Страница 151 Non‐copulatory Mounting


Non‐copulatory mounting is a normal behavior for both male and female dogs. Young dogs often mount during play. In adults, it is more common in the intact male. The behavior in neutered animals is more likely to be a sign of anxiety or conflict (Luescher and Reisner 2008) than sexual in nature. However, anxiety due to other causes may be involved in some cases. If mounting behavior is increasing in the shelter situation, it is important to identify specific triggers and/or motivation if possible. Assessing the anxiety level of the animal being mounted is critical as well, as some dogs respond aggressively to this behavior. A dog that is frequently mounted by other dogs, regardless of the reason, may suffer poor welfare.

Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff

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