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4.8.3 Normal Sex‐Related Behaviors Marking


Urine marking is a natural behavior for both male and female dogs. Intact males typically mark more than intact females (Pal 2003). Neutering males has been shown to significantly decrease marking in most males (Neilson et al. 1997). Intact and spayed females appear to mark at about the same frequency (Wirant et al. 2004). The intact male will preferentially mark over the urine of an estrus female more than any other urine (Lisberg and Snowdon 2011).

When female dogs urine mark, they may squat, slightly elevate a rear leg while squatting, or alternate between legs while squatting. Just as leg lifting for urination can be a normal variation for female dogs, the squatting position is a normal variation of urination behavior for some male dogs. All of these are normal postures. When a urinary stance is atypical for a particular sex, it is not necessarily reflective of any disease, dysfunction, or abnormality. However, if the urinary stance is atypical for that individual, further investigation to identify underlying medical problems is indicated.

Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff

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