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The times are changing.————even among the Indians.

The old chief was named Chief Flying Eagle.

His son was called Chief Black Hawk.

And his grandson was named Chief F-22.


A farmer was still enjoying his old Model T. One day he started into town but it broke down. He was standing alongside when a man in a big, new Cadillac pulled up.

“Can I help you?” asked the stranger.

“Well, I don’t know what’s wrong,” answered the farmer.

After looking it over for a while, the man in the Cadillac suggested that they just tie the Model T to the back of the Cadillac and he would pull it to town. The farmer agreed and tied it on. “I’ll get in and steer and you go as fast as you want,” he said.

“But how will I know if I’m getting too fast?”

“I’ll just honk the horn and you can slow down.”

“OK,” said the man, “Just honk.”

They started down the road and picked up speed: forty——fifty—-sixty. The farmer was having a hard time so he blew his horn.

But the man in the Cadillac didn’t hear him and just kept speeding up. Now they were going seventy and the farmer laid on his horn.

As they flew by a billboard a policeman was waiting. He stood there a minute or two, then climbed on his motorcycle and pulled out. But he headed in the opposite direction.

He went into town and headed straight for the police station. As he walked in, he took off his gun and badge and laid them on the chief’s desk.

“What’s this?” asked the chief.

“I’m retiring. Right now!” he answered.

“Why,” asked the chief, “What’s wrong?”

“Well, times have changed too much. When I see a new Cadillac going down the road at seventy miles an hour and a Model T in back, honking to pass, then I quit.”

Now That’s Funny

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