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During the war an allied bombing raid had just finished over one of the important targets.. The city had been leveled.

The Red Cross was going from place to place to help survivors. In one area they found a huge house completely demolished but there in the ruins was an old man sitting in a bathtub. They rushed over to help.

As they crowded around to get him out of the tub, he just sat there with a dazed look on his face. “I don’t understand it,” he muttered. “All I did was pull out the plug.”


An air force pilot had trouble with his F-16. Finally, he had to bail out.

As he was dropping, waiting for his chute to open, he looked down and saw an old woman coming up.

He didn’t know what to say but, as they sped past one another, he hollered, “Hey, lady, did you see an F-16 going down?”

She hollered back, “No sonny, but did you see a gas stove going up?”


A captain in the air force went into a Japanese café to eat and was visiting with the owner.

“My name is Wilson, what’s your name?”

“My name Chow Mein.”

“Well, Chow Mein, did you serve in the military?”

“Yes, Chow Mein pilot in air force.”

“What kind of plane did you fly.”

“Chow Mein fly fighter plane. me Kamakazi pilot”

“Kamakazi pilot? That’s strange. I thought Kamakazi pilots crashed their planes into warships on suicide missions.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“How come you’re still alive, Chow Mein?”

“Because me Chicken Chow Mein.”

Now That’s Funny

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