Читать книгу An Angel Held My Hand: Inspiring True Stories of the Afterlife - Jacky Newcomb - Страница 11

Safely Steering


I think this next story has a little guardian angel attached to it too:

My late parents lived in a bungalow with a curved drive that carried on to the bottom of a slope and ended at a kerb. One day as they turned into the drive going down the slope the brakes of their car failed. Although the car was not going very fast, my father, who was driving, realized that without following the drive completely they would smash into a large glass window in the building at the bottom of the drive.

As he reached the end of the drive, to avoid going over the kerb, he made a split-second decision (which he never understood) to turn the steering wheel to the right, which took the car between a large brick wall and a waist-high wall on the left. In between was a set of about 10 concrete steps ending in a playground. Both my parents say they closed their eyes as they went between the walls and opened them as the car stopped. When they opened their eyes again the car had come to a complete stop and it was totally intact. Neither of them could believe it, as the car appeared to be much wider than the gap they seemed to have driven through.

After they had calmed down my parents fetched a tape measure to measure the gap, which actually proved to be narrower than the car itself. Also, a mechanic they asked to look at the car confirmed that the brakes were still not working! Neither of them had felt the car going down any steps, only feeling it stop at the bottom.

It’s a real mystery, but my mother always claimed she called out to angels as she closed her eyes. She always believed in them!

An Angel Held My Hand: Inspiring True Stories of the Afterlife

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