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Rose Quartz Comfort


Susan is from England and the events in her story happened a couple of years ago. It concerned her father, who passed over in 1972. She wrote to me:

I’m in the habit of wearing a pink rose quartz stone next to my skin—in my bra! I’d read somewhere that wearing one next to or near the heart was calming and this proved to be the case with me. So it had been a habit for quite some time, a year or more, to wear a rose quartz crystal like that. I’d worn it for so long in fact, I felt ‘undressed’ without it.

This particular day after work I went clothes shopping. I’d seen a couple of tops I liked, so popped into the fitting room to try them on.

I always change out of my work clothes when I get home and that day was no different. That’s when I noticed the rose quartz had gone. I imagine it had slipped out of my bra in the changing room.

It may sound strange, but I was quite distraught over this, as I had definitely felt more peaceful and calm since wearing the rose quartz. I hunted high and low in the house, but knew in my heart that it would be sitting on the floor of the changing room.

A couple of days passed and I still I felt upset at losing the crystal. It wasn’t an easy thing to replace, either, because it meant driving into the next town to buy another one.

Then in the evening just after 9 p.m. I was sitting on the sofa with my feet up and the lights off when all of a sudden I heard something drop just by my legs onto the floor. It sounded similar to what a stone might sound like when dropped onto a wooden floor. I looked to see what it could be and there, right by the sofa, was my rose quartz stone! It just seemed to have dropped out of midair! I knew it hadn’t been there before because I have the wooden flooring that is so popular now and I would have definitely seen or walked on it in the days since I’d lost it.

I couldn’t believe my eyes and absolutely knew my dad had picked up my vibes and found it and delivered it back to me. I felt so emotional that tears came to my eyes, thanks to the wondrous knowledge that my dad was in the room with me. Although I couldn’t see him, I just felt him there with me.

Since then I have lost this stone again and had to replace it with a new one. Months later I found it again, though, on my garden path. It was lying there as clear as day. There is no way I could have missed it before if it had lain there for months. My dad at work again!

I loved this story and it reminded me of a similar experience of my own when I’d lost one of a pair of gold hooped earrings that I’d been given as an eighteenth birthday present and had asked my angels if they would try and find it for me. The next morning there it was, lying on the windowsill with the other one!

Isn’t it strange how our angels and angelic loved ones can do these things? I guess in the future we’ll have a scientific explanation for it, but for now it’s just a little bit of magic!

An Angel Held My Hand: Inspiring True Stories of the Afterlife

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