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Smoking Can Kill


This next ‘angel’ was a little more forceful than most. This story is from Gillian in Germany:

I once read that we have free will, but maybe not in everything.

I gave up smoking a few years back and then shortly afterwards started up again. My mum wasn’t happy that I’d started smoking again. She thought I was stupid! One Sunday she was over and she just looked at me and said, ‘You will die if you don’t give up smoking. You know that “upstairs” isn’t happy.’ (I guess she meant God.) She seemed so serious, but I told her that the choice was mine and I could smoke if I wanted to.

Well, I went to light up a cigarette and I could not put it to my lips—it just would not go. Then I started to cough. I have no idea what happened, but it was as if someone or something was stopping me from smoking. I have not smoked since and in fact I cannot stand the smell of it now and I cough when someone is smoking near me.

What’s funny is that a short while later I didn’t sleep very well one night. I was actually awake for most of it. Then when I did finally get some sleep, when I woke up I couldn’t move my left side at all. That actually happened two mornings in a row and it made me think that if I had still been smoking, the paralysis might have been permanent.

I guess it is a good idea to have a forceful angel after all!

An Angel Held My Hand: Inspiring True Stories of the Afterlife

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