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A Visit from an Angel during an Operation


Sue isn’t someone who likes to draw attention to herself. In fact when she first shared her story with me I wanted to include it in a magazine article and she asked to remain anonymous—as she does here. Sue is her real name, though. She is in her forties, but of course she could live anywhere in the whole world and I’ll let that bit be our ‘little secret’!

Sue wrote to me after searching the internet for information about angels. So many people around the world have experienced these special beings of light and want to discover a little more, and the internet can be the perfect way of finding out. Sue is one of these people and was kind enough to share her own special angel visit with me.

It all began with a trip to hospital. She told me, ‘I hadn’t been well for over a year and after many hospital visits they discovered I had a large fibroid which had to be removed.’

Sue wasn’t worried, as she had already been to hospital a few times for similar operations. The hospital was familiar to her and she wasn’t particularly concerned about the operation itself.

Strangely, however, on the morning of the operation, just an hour before she was due to have her fibroid removed, Sue felt the urge to walk down to the pay phone and ring her husband and her mother. Something felt different this time and when she walked back to her bed after making her calls, she had the strangest feeling that she had just said goodbye to her loved ones. An ominous cloud descended on her and she found it hard to shake it off. She explained:

I’m normally such a positive person and I was worried that I was thinking like that, so in my mind I asked for the spirits of my deceased father and brother to look after me. I just wanted to know that someone was watching out for me.

Sue went ahead with the operation and just a few hours later woke up to find herself back on the ward with her husband by her side. As she opened her eyes she said hello to her husband and then something distracted her over by the window. She was stunned, she told me, to see ‘a beautiful male angel’ looking in her direction.

The angel began to move away almost immediately and in a panic Sue asked him to stay, but he told her, ‘You don’t need me anymore. You are OK,’ and with that he simply flew away!

Right away Sue told her husband about her vision, but he simply laughed and put it down to the medication. But Sue already felt so much better she was ready to get up. The nurses told her, ‘You must stay in bed,’ but she had other ideas: ‘I told them I realized I had been cut from one side of my hip to the other and it did hurt to move, but I still felt so well!’

In fact she was moving about so quickly after the operation that it soon became clear to everyone that something unusual had happened.

The next morning Sue had a phone call from the surgeon:

He asked me how I was and if he could come and see me. I got up, washed and waited. When he came to the ward he was quite excited and seemed genuinely surprised to see me up and about. I told him, ‘I feel so well.’

He explained that the surgical team had actually removed a 12lb fibroid that had been attached to my organs and spine. It had been so big that it had had to be cut away a little at a time. The surgeon told me they had all been amazed at how well I had been functioning once they had opened me up and seen the size of the fibroid.

It was what he said next that really surprised me: ‘By rights you shouldn’t have been so well. Someone has been watching over you.’

I laughed to myself and thought, ‘If only you knew about my angel!’

The surgeon had made a throwaway comment, but in fact the angel had been there the whole time watching over Sue. No wonder she had felt so well—she had experienced a little divine intervention!

An Angel Held My Hand: Inspiring True Stories of the Afterlife

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