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‘Angels Wake Me’


Although there is no ‘proof’ that the gentleman in this next story was in any danger, I thought I would add his story here to show the full extent of the angels-in-the-car phenomenon and how angels in fact appear to watch over us in all kinds of transport. Dave had the following experiences whilst working in New York:

In 1992 I was working in Manhattan and living on Staten Island. After a long day’s work I would often go for a few drinks then start the long journey home, which would entail a subway train from mid Manhattan to lower Manhattan, where I would get the ferry across to Staten Island before catching a bus halfway round the island to where I was living.

On a few occasions I fell asleep on the ferry and ended up waking just as we were docking back at Manhatten. Once I fell asleep on the bus and woke up well past my stop and ended up having to travel right round the island to get back home.

This happened twice more, once on the ferry and once on the bus, but on these occasions there was a difference. The first time I fell asleep again, but was woken up by a male voice calling my name as clear as day. I looked round and nobody was anywhere near me. Then I realized that I had been woken just as the ferry was docking at Staten Island. At the time I didn’t put too much thought into it, but I was glad I had woken up.

The second time this happened a male voice called my name again. This time I was on the bus about 500 yards from my stop. It was so real that I looked around to see who had woken me and again there was no one.

Eventually I came to the conclusion that it was my guardian angel. It certainly got my attention.

I welcome the contact anytime so that I don’t miss my stop—every little helps!

An Angel Held My Hand: Inspiring True Stories of the Afterlife

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