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Nowhere Left to Go


Gillian once had an amazing experience in the car. She calls it ‘the one thing my mum and I will never be able to forget—or explain’.

At the time Gillian was living in Germany and on this particular day she was travelling with her mother and a friend to Bergen-Belsen, where the young Jewish diarist Anne Frank died.

Gillian explains:

I was driving and my friend was in the front and my mum was sitting behind me. I was driving along the autobahn at around 110 miles an hour. In Germany they drive their cars very fast compared to many other parts of the world.

Gillian was very comfortable with the speed, however, and there seemed no obvious danger at the time. Gillian’s was the lead car:

There were only two lanes of traffic. I was nearly level with the car in the other lane when all of a sudden a car came from nowhere and went to overtake me! There was no room for her to go past and I should have hit the other car right in the middle.

Gillian remembers swearing very loudly in her head and thinking, ‘That driver has just killed me!’ There seemed no safe outcome for the drivers around either and in that fraction of a second, Gillian felt her time was up.

I put the brakes on, even though at the time I thought it was pointless. I couldn’t imagine how it would be able to help. However, instead of hitting the other car, as I’d felt was inevitable, we were now in the middle lane and cars were overtaking us and looking at us to see if we were alright. I had no idea how we had got there or what had happened. It’s as if time had slowed down somehow. I looked in front of me and spotted the other driver going over a hill—miles in front of us.

All three drivers were shaken up by what had just happened. As Gillian said,

My mum just told me to pull over at the next exit, which I did. We both said, ‘Did you see that?’ My friend who was sitting in the front had not seen anything and she thought I was over-reacting. It was as if she had been protected from the anxiety of what we had just experienced. Perhaps she had been asleep or something, because she had seemed to be slumped in the front, as if someone, or something, had just switched her off. In fact I think if she had been aware, we would have been killed, because she would have certainly tried to grab the wheel of the car.

Although Gillian is still not completely sure what happened, she said:

One thing is for sure—we were not meant to die that day. The whole event has affected my life so much. Since that time, I have become a healer and my belief in angels has become a lot stronger.

Gillian’s story has much in common with other stories I have received over the years. People often know that something dramatic has happened to them, but find it hard to explain what or how it could have occurred. Cars are moved, lifted and even change direction without any explanation. Sometimes time seems to stand still and at other times it appears to be missing entirely, even if only for a few seconds. Are angels standing guard, waiting to lift us out of danger? I believe they are.

An Angel Held My Hand: Inspiring True Stories of the Afterlife

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