Читать книгу The Juice Master: Turbo-charge Your Life in 14 Days - Jason Vale, Jason Vale - Страница 12

‘But…I can’t afford to get healthy’


When it comes to your health, the truth is you cannot afford not to do it. I mean, how much is your heart worth? What about your kidneys or your liver, or how about your life? You cannot put a price on health. Four members of my family have died of cancer. All these people would gladly have given every penny they had for a body clear of cancer. It’s times like these when people see clearly that money means nothing compared with health, and start wishing they had taken care of their bodies earlier.

My number one priority is to make certain I have good quality ‘live’ nutrients flowing through my system on a daily basis, no matter what the cost. Fortunately, despite what you may think, it doesn’t cost any more to be healthy than it does to get sick. In reality, it’s often cheaper! Regardless of your income, everyone can afford to exercise and get healthy.

How much does it actually cost to buy a bag of fruit or get up and go for a walk? It’s funny how the same people who say they can’t afford to eat well and exercise seem to find money for cigarettes, alcohol, going out and junk food. The average drinker will now spend in the region of £100,000 on alcohol in their lifetime; an average 20-a-day smoker will get through £65,000.

People think that getting fit and healthy means joining an expensive gym or buying organic ingredients, but you don’t need those things to get fit and healthy.

The Juice Master: Turbo-charge Your Life in 14 Days

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