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The Divine Speaks to Me in Songs

By Kristina Kiefer

When I got it into my head that I was going to India to participate in a spiritual course, I did not know exactly why, or what I was searching for. That was the year I was supposed to go to Australia, not India. The previous six months I had been planning to travel to Australia at Christmas with my brother and parents to visit my younger brother and his family that had moved to Australia last year. So I did not expect to wake up one morning just knowing that I was going to India, as if I had always known that and it had always been a part of my being.

So there I was at the Oneness University in India wearing all white clothing, most of it bought in a quick shopping trip to Macy’s in October, grabbing whatever I could find in white, even if it was one or two sizes too big. I thought I had a relationship with the Divine. I was in for a big surprise, because I was to see this in a whole new way as a result of this trip. It happened during one of our first visits to the Oneness Temple; we were doing a process that is intended to strengthen the relationship with one’s Divine, whatever the Divine is for each person.

We were at the end of the process and I lay down on the cool marble floor, with my head on the travel neck pillow that had become my constant companion. In the serenity and peace, a song popped into my head and just stayed there; it was that song by Meatloaf, “Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad.” What the heck! I was supposed to be having a sacred experience–-where did that song come from? I could not get it out of my head and it was driving me crazy. The lyrics in my case though had a slight twist. I attracted men who loved and needed me, but did not want the relationship that I did. I woke up several times that night, and the first thing I heard in my head was the lyrics again, “Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad.

Again, it was there to greet me in the morning, and by the morning break I was singing other words in my head just so that I would not hear those lyrics. In the afternoon session we did a process to heal relationships with spouses. Not being married, my focus was on relationships with past boyfriends, and I reflected on the hurt in those relationships. I wished to heal the pattern of disappointment and repeated failure. It was then that the song hit me over the head. I understood what the Divine was trying to tell me–that was my theme song! I had been in too many relationships in which I did not get the love I needed. It was if a dam had burst, and I cried and cried. I went through the healing process with the other participants, and the joyous dancing and release at the end. While I was dancing, I told the Divine that I needed a new song; he had to give me a new song.

Later that night we went to the temple, and there was a period of time when we were just waiting in a foyer. As I was sitting there, I felt the energy of love all around me and the Beatles’ song, “All You Need is Love,” popped into my head and stayed there. The presence of love grew stronger as the lyrics repeated. All I need is love.

All I need is to be the love; yes, that’s the experience for me! From that point on, “All You Need is Love” became my theme song–so simple. It was also the beginning of a more personal relationship with the Divine, in which we sometimes laugh together and speak to each other with songs. There is a song by the group “Live”–“Dance with You” that is my latest favorite to share with the Divine.

Until the experience in India, I did not get it when people said that having a strong personal relationship with the Divine was the quickest route to awakening. It is still a journey for me, but at least now I realize that in oneness with the Divine, there is oneness with all beings, and that is what I live to experience each day.

Spirit is Talking to You: True Stories of Signs, Wonders, Inspiration, Love and Connection

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