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Listening and Allowing

There is guidance for each of us and by lowly listening we shall hear the right word.

- Emerson

Listening is a broad category of communicating with the Divine because we cannot heed any guidance unless we are willing to listen. Listening has within it an intention to hear. It is most often done in solitude. Walking in nature, meditating, reflecting over coffee in the morning, doing mundane tasks, all are ways in which we might be receptive to guidance.

In a situation where we are upset or feeling strong emotions, it is good to look at what it is we are thinking and how we speak to ourselves in our minds. Ask if this thought is loving or supportive of ourselves or others. When we take the time to stop and listen, it allows a spiritual element the space to make a marked difference in the daily and ordinary events of our lives. Be willing to simply be willing. Soften your attachment to particular outcomes. Be present to what is.

Spirit is Talking to You: True Stories of Signs, Wonders, Inspiration, Love and Connection

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