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God Shows Up in the Most Amazing Places

By Dean Regan

God is everywhere present, shining forth as all things seen and unseen. And still, in this cacophony of brilliance, there are moments of shimmering clarity when our awareness–our consciousness, if you will, that God is everywhere present, is made even more conscious.

God has given me the gift to be able to entertain people–sometimes through singing, sometimes through acting, sometimes though dancing, sometimes through a combination of all three. Recently, on a drive from Los Angeles to Palm Springs to rehearse a musical project with some wonderful fellow-artists, I became aware of what a beautiful day it was. The car I was driving in was comfortable, the weather was crystal clear, there was a feeling of openness to the day, and a readiness to welcome creative exploration at the base of the mountain range nestling up to Palm Springs.

Ahead of me on the way to rehearsal was a car; the driver was not visible, the car unmemorable. But on the bumper was a sticker that called out like an orchestra reaching a dramatic crescendo: “Love People. Cook for Them a Wonderful Meal.” In that moment, I related to that bumper sticker idea. Not so much because of the cooking aspect–I don’t really cook–but because of the way we show our love to others. I realized that I show my love for others by singing to them; the more the merrier–the more songs, the more theatres, the more churches, the more people. In that flash of an instant an idea came to me for the “bumper sticker expression” that has been and continues to be the purpose of my life–”Love People. Sing them a Song.”

There are two types of people in the world: those who appreciate refrigerator magnets and those who don’t. I am a proud member of the former. My refrigerator is covered with magnets for cities and activities.

These days my primary channel for entertaining people is through solo concerts. I sing at performing arts centers and the larger cabaret rooms across America, as well as church-related events. And occasionally I perform, quite literally, around the world. At my concerts I have a booth of items for sale to audience members, both so that they can take the concert “experience” home with them, and also so I can celebrate and contribute to my artistic affluence. That day–my sunny, free, Palm Springs rehearsal day–I had been thinking about a series of refrigerators magnets that I could share with the folks who enjoy my music. And that is when God showed up as the bumper sticker on the car in front of me which helped me to crystallize my whole life purpose as an artist: to show my love for people, I sing them a song. And, thus, God showed up on that bright and sunny day in so many ways, but one was an idea that is easy for me to hold in my heart and share with others.

So, if you come to one of my concerts or listen to my music online, I hope you feel that sense of love that fills my heart every time I sing. And remember to do your own version of “Love People. Sing Them A Song.” What’s does your refrigerator magnet say?

Spirit is Talking to You: True Stories of Signs, Wonders, Inspiration, Love and Connection

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