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Is It Your Genes?
ОглавлениеAbout 35 percent of Americans carry an altered gene that misprograms their production of the catecholamine dopamine.9 Because dopamine parents the other two cats, this inherited foible can easily impact energy, mood, and ability to focus. Do the blahs run in your family? If so, don’t be intimidated by the possibility of having this genetic miscue. Although it may sound like an irreparable problem, it isn’t. The influence of genes in this case can be counterbalanced by remarkably gentle and natural yet scientifically validated nutrient therapy.
Kenneth Blum, Ph.D., the researcher in the field of brain chemistry and genetics whom I mentioned in chapter 1, discovered that the genetic anomaly in dopamine programming could cause mood and behavior problems—notably “blah”-type depression and distractibility. He also found that this inherited deficiency could lead to stimulant drug addiction. Most important, Blum discovered that these problems could be remedied through the use of certain targeted amino acids, most notably tyrosine.
In my favorite of his studies,10 Blum succeeded in reducing depressed moods in newly recovering cocaine addicts. Cocaine addicts in early recovery are about the most apathetic people on earth. Why? Because they were low-cat in the first place or they wouldn’t have been drawn to the big upper, and although cocaine initially enhances cat production, it ends up stripping it to the bone. Close to 40 percent of the cocaine addicts in the thirty-day treatment program whom Dr. Blum studied became so depressed that they dropped out of treatment during the first few weeks, unable to tolerate their drugless, hopeless, catless emotional state. Using tyrosine and other amino acids I discuss in this chapter, Dr. Blum was able to eliminate their intolerably low moods, and as a result, their AWOL rate dropped from 40 percent to 4 percent! Nutritherapy can be more powerful than debilitating genes or addictive drugs.