Читать книгу The Mood Cure: Take Charge of Your Emotions in 24 Hours Using Food and Supplements - Julia Ross - Страница 87



Arem, Ridha, M.D. The Thyroid Solution (New York: Ballantine Books, 2000).

Shomon, Mary J. Living Well with Hypothyroidism (New York: Avon Wholecare, 2000).

Shames, Richard, M.D., and Karilee Halo Shames, R.N., Ph.D. Thyroid Power: Ten Steps to Total Health (New York: HarperResource, 2001).

Langer, Stephen, M.D. Solved: The Riddle of Illness (New Canaan, Conn.: Keats, 1984).

Braverman, Eric R., M.D., Kenneth Blum, Ph.D., Richard Smayda, and Carl C. Pfeiffer. The Healing Nutrients Within (North Bergen, N.J.: Basic Health Publications, 2002).

Amen, Daniel, M.D. Healing ADD (New York: Putnam, 2001).

Taylor, John F., Ph.D. Helping Your ADD Child (Roseville, Calif.: Prima Publishing, 2001).

The Mood Cure: Take Charge of Your Emotions in 24 Hours Using Food and Supplements

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