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How to Counteract Kapha



 All forms of exercise benefit the kapha mother. Aerobic activity such as walking and swimming are ideal for boosting oxygen supply to the body and to the baby, and for supporting the heart, which is under more pressure during pregnancy. But keep an eye on your pulse and make sure your heart is working at no more than 120 beats per minute. Yoga and stretching build strength in the muscles, encouraging them to protect the mother’s skeletal structure. But avoid all twisting exercises and do not use your abdominal muscles at all, as they will have separated to allow room for the baby. Pilates classes should be avoided for this reason, but are excellent for post-natal recovery.


 Do not eat anything white or pasty – so avoid toast, bread, rice pudding and all puddings.

 Avoid pasta, cakes, sweets, crisps and ice creams.

 Avoid beef, pork and lamb. Chicken is allowed – two small portions per week.

 Choose spicy foods.

 Eat lots of green vegetables and light clear soups.

 Fruits to enjoy: apples, apricots, cranberries, pears.

 Vegetables good for kapha include: asparagus, celery, leafy greens, spinach, turnips, coriander, parsley.

 Kapha-predominant mothers can also eat chicken, eggs, fish, goat’s milk.

 Eat pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds.

 Don’t over-cook grains; eat when just done.


 Warm baths are very beneficial. To make the bath more therapeutic you can add a few drops of essential oil of basil as this activates your endorphins and improves your mood.

 Other essential oils that can reduce kapha and lift your mood are eucalyptus, camphor, neroli, tea-tree, juniper and fennel. Use in massage oils, or add a few drops to your bath.

 In Sri Lanka and India, it is common to add medicinal leaves called Nirgundi to your bath. The botanical name of Nirgundi is Vitex Nirgundi. In ancient Ayurvedic texts this is prescribed to reduce kapha. It is best to use fresh crushed leaves. Alternatively a tincture can be obtained (see Appendix C, page 312).

 Have regular lymphatic drainage massages (Creative Healing massage is very efficient for lymphatic drainage).

 Alternatively, a simple self-massage can be given with dry finely powdered mung beans. The powder acts as a fine abrasive and as an astringent to draw out excess body fluids. A pinch of medicinal turmeric can be added to the mung bean powder. Triphala powder can also be used in powder massage; this is a powder made up of three fruits that suit all doshas. (Mung bean powder can be made yourself by crushing them in a coffee grinder to a fine consistency. Medicinal turmeric and Triphala powder can be obtained from any Ayurvedic supplier – see Appendix C, page 312).

 Warm oil massage can be incorporated with powder massages. Triphala oil is available and this can be mixed with sesame oil and used for massage. This can be done as a simple self-massage all over the body with circular strokes, or it can be performed by an Ayurvedic technician. The Triphala oil and sesame oil can be obtained from any Ayurvedic supplier.

 Reflexology is very good for reducing kapha. Focus on the lymphatic drainage reflex areas on the feet to make sure that the lymph drainage channels are kept clear. I recommend at least ten reflexology treatments from 20 weeks of pregnancy to term.

The Gentle Birth Method: The Month-by-Month Jeyarani Way Programme

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