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Birth Story: The second-time mother – Annabel


I was thrilled to discover I was pregnant with my second child, but once the elation subsided, I felt a deep sense of dread and fear. Would the birth be as traumatic as last time? Would I have to go through induction, stitches, infection and post-natal depression again? As the months went by, I became increasingly anxious. A friend gave me an article about Dr Motha and despite being very sceptical about anything that might be considered ‘alternative’, I decided to go and see her.

I had very little idea of what to expect and was startled by Gowri’s positivity. One of the first things she did was take a full history and actually listen to me explaining my first birth experience. It was a huge relief just to have someone calmly listen, let me talk and not try to explain away or belittle what I had felt. After that, Gowri’s approach was to assure me with absolute confidence that my experience need not be repeated.

I saw Gowri about five times before the birth and felt much more physically and mentally prepared than I had previously. One of my biggest concerns was that I would again need to be induced and suffer bad tearing.

I was two weeks late and there didn’t seem to be much sign of an arrival, so my husband and I decided to go for a long walk. We trudged for hours up and down hills and even though nothing happened, just being outside in the fresh air seemed to help my mood. When I got home I had a hot bath and as I got out, my waters broke. I was really excited and pleased – already I had managed naturally part of the birth experience, which I had begun to think was not going to be possible for me.

A few hours later I was still in a state of high excitement but there were no contractions. We went to the hospital and saw the midwife, who said I could go for another 24 hours before they would want to induce. She recommended another walk. The time, it was in the freezing February rain, and was unpleasant. We got home and I began to think induction was inevitable, when at about 4pm, my contractions started. I felt a huge rush of excitement and fear.

After about an hour, I put on the TENS machine and the contractions started coming closer and closer together, with increasing power. I spent a lot of my time on all fours, crawling about or leaning against the walls. I phoned the hospital at about 6pm and was told to delay coming in for another couple of hours, or until I was unable to walk.

Suddenly, the contractions began to feel very painful indeed and I had the first sense of an urge to push. We got in the car and drove to the hospital. By the time we got there, I was crawling on all fours. The midwives examined me and I was 7cm dilated. I asked to get into the birthing pool and felt an immediate sense of relief at being in the warm water. It felt comforting and made my body seem supported. I used gas and air as well, and this also helped me to relax. At this point, the pain was terrible and I felt overwhelmed. I was desperate to push even though it had only been a few minutes since my last examination. However, when the midwives checked me again, I had gone to full dilatation.

Within a few minutes, the baby’s head had crowned and the contractions had become more regular and less frightening. The midwives told me when to push and within the next few pushes the head emerged, followed quickly by the rest of my daughter’s body. I got out of the pool and was immediately handed the baby, and the placenta was delivered. I was checked and, to my amazement, told I had no need for any stitches. All my greatest hopes for the birth had been fulfilled. I had a beautiful baby girl that I had pushed out without assistance in the water, and I had not torn.

The midwives then ran me a bath and the next hour was spent gazing at our daughter, breastfeeding and absorbing the experience we had just been through. Over the following weeks, I found that in contrast to my first birth I was left feeling elated and empowered. I was amazed at the speed of my recovery, there were no stitches, no complications and the bruising cleared within a few days. I found I was able to cope much more easily with everything.

I know that Gowri’s help made an enormous difference to my second experience of birth. I was mentally and physically prepared and although the birth of my first child made me apprehensive, Gowri’s approach enormously reduced the fear I felt and gave me the confidence to enjoy a natural birth. I now feel very strongly about the benefits for all women of following Gowri’s advice and, in particular, her mental and physical preparation techniques. I am currently awaiting the birth of my third child and I have once again found Gowri’s support invaluable in preparation. I just wish that all women were routinely offered the kind of care and support that she has given me.

The Gentle Birth Method: The Month-by-Month Jeyarani Way Programme

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