Читать книгу Drachenväter: Die Interviews - Konrad Lischka - Страница 65

After 3E D&D came out, you left Wizards of the Coast to start Malhavoc Press. What's the story there?


In 2001, my wife Sue (one of the best editors in the game industry) started Malhavoc Press to create our own d20 products. I wanted the freedom to create exactly the products I wanted to work on, and the d20 license and Open Gaming movement allowed me to do just that. We quickly formed a partnership with White Wolf Publishing to help get our books into stores but at the same time pioneered the whole concept of selling game books as electronic files, which today has grown into the so-called ‚PDF Industry“’ – a whole separate means of selling and distributing products that hundreds of publishers use to sell thousands and thousands of products. Under the Malhavoc Press banner, we created such award-winning products as the Books of Eldritch Might series, Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved, and Ptolus, one of the largest and most deluxe RPG products ever created.

Drachenväter: Die Interviews

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