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Devilled tofu and celery spread


Tofu makes a terrific base for spreads and dips. This one is particularly good on toast or crispbread, but it can also be used in sandwiches. It is certainly flavourful.

1 lb (455g)medium or firm tofu2 cups
4 stickscelery 4sticks
4 tbssoya (soy)-based tartare4 tbs
sauce (or ‘Duchesse’ Sandwich Spread)
½ tsppaprika½ tsp
1 tspground coriander1 tsp
1 tspground cumin1 tsp
1 tspcurry powder1 tsp
3 tspmustard3 tsp

1 Mash the tofu. Chop the celery finely.

2 Combine all the ingredients in a mixing bowl and chill.

The Tofu Cookbook: Over 150 quick and easy recipes

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